Both, Either &  Neither

1.- SIMPLE PAST-- I liked both dolls and toy cars

2.- SIMPLE PRESENT-- He eats both spaghetti and sandwich

3.- SIMPLE FUTURE-- she will play both sports soccer and tennis
Resultado de imagen para tennis

4.- SIMPLE PAST-- we play both basketball and volleyball

5.- SIMPLE PRESENT-- they like either blue or purple

6.- SIMPLE FUTURE-- she will run either in the park or on the street
Resultado de imagen para calle

7.- SIMPLE PAST-- played with the ball either in the yard or inside the house

8.- SIMPLE PRESENT-- We watch either movies or series

9.- SIMPLE FUTURE-- I will not eat neither pizza nor hamburgers

10.- SIMPLE PAST-- He saw neither the tree nor the duck

11.- SIMPLE PRESENT-- he doesn't like neither the heat nor the cold

12.- SIMPLE FUTURE-- I will not watch neither the tv nor the tablet


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